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DJB Learning is a collaborative site where we encourage people to share any training materials that they think other professionals may find useful. With this in mind, we have created a system where you can upload any files you would want to see on the site. You can use the submit section below to upload any materials you have and these can be in any format including video files.
To upload materials please select 'Choose File' and select the files you wish to upload. Once these have been accepted you can click the 'Upload' button. Once your materials have been successfully uploaded you will see an Upload Complete message. You can also click the link below the message to upload more files.
All materials uploaded will be subject to review before adding to the site. When uploading it will help our review process if you can use the contact form next to the upload section to send us a quick message about what materials you have uploaded, where you think it would be best placed and any reasons why you think this would be a useful addition to the site.
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